We welcome you to the web page of Our Lady Queen of Peace Chapter of Magnificat in Orange County, California. These are exciting times that we live in and Magnificat was begun in 1981 for such as time as this. There are now over 100 chapters throughout the United States and its territories and in many foreign countries.
Magnificat Meal
Hosted by Our Lady Queen of Peace Chapter
Saturday, May 17, 2025
9:30am to 12:30pm Breakfast
Cultural Center, Christ Cathedral
13280 Chapman Ave.,
Garden Grove, CA. 92840
Guest Speaker: Dominic Berardino

Dominic Berardino, President, SCRC. Photo by Mary Anne Greco
“If anyone wants to boast, let him boast of the Lord.” 1 Cor. 1:31
A Young Teenager Encounters Christ!
As a young teen, Dominic experienced a dramatic calling to follow and serve Jesus. He immediately began an intense search for God’s specific will for his life. The search culminated with a transformative immersion in the “New Pentecost” of the Holy Spirit as prayed for by Pope St. John XXIII.
Dominic quickly found himself in lay leadership roles and became integrally involved in the early formation of ‘Southern California Renewal Communities’ known as SCRC and eventually becoming president. Under his leadership their annual Catholic Renewal Convention grew to be the largest such gathering in North America.
In 2017, Dominic was formally recognized as one of the 50 people making the largest impact within this ecclesial Renewal movement. Through more than five decades of full-time service, he considers himself privileged to have witnessed a great restoration of God’s spiritual gifts available to all of the baptized – affirming that the signs and wonders, healings and miracles prevalent in the early church are realities for today.
Invite someone to hear God’s love through this inspiring testimony
Tickets & Reservations
$43 per person (mail in)
$46 via Paypal or credit card
If not SOLD OUT $49 at the door (cash/check only)
Please use this form for Mail-In Reservations ONLY. Complete the form below (include the names and phone numbers of other ticket holders in your group). Reservations by Mail must be postmarked by May 8, 2025.
Please Mail Reservation Form with check payable to “Magnificat” to:
Magnificat Ministry
P.O. Box 6545
Laguna Niguel, CA. 92607
To register via PayPal or credit card use the button below: $46 per person
Questions – contact Lourdes at 714-624-6561 or ocmagnificat3@gmail.com
Please share this event with friends! To be added to our email list, click Join Our List
If you would like to donate to Orange County Magnificat, please make checks payable to OCMagnificat and mail to:
Magnificat Ministry
P.O. Box 6545
Laguna Niguel, CA. 92607
Magnificat is a 501(c)(3) non profit organization. Your donation is tax deductible.
For where your treasure is, there also will your heart be.” Matthew 6:21
Upcoming Meals for Our Chapters — 2025
09/20/2025 Ivette Helfers
11/15/2025 Fr. Brendan Hankins, O.Praem
Rosary Blanket of Prayer
Remember our chapter’s commitment to Eucharistic Adoration and to pray the Rosary on the 26th of each month, as we lift up our hearts to the Lord for the intentions of New Pentecost, Magnificat, Sanctity of Life, our Beloved Priests, Religious and Families.
Service Team Members
Dr. Elizabeth Kim, Coordinator; ekim3080@gmail.com
Donna Dostalik, Asst. Coordinator; donnaremax@usa.net
Lourdes Carroll, Secretary; lodm4life@gmail.com
Michelle Harnish, Treasurer; michellleharnish@yahoo.com
Pamela De Marco, Historian; pammyd_10@yahoo.com
Spiritual Advisor: Fr. Bao Thai, S.T.L.
If you would like to help with Magnificat ministry, have a question or comment for our Service Team, or if you would like to be on our Mailing list for future events, please contact Elizabeth Kim, Coordinator. (714) 537-5400.
History of Orange Diocese Magnificat Queen of Peace Chapter
Est. 1992
In 1991, a group of women attending Southern California Renewal Communities (SCRC) Charismatic Convention, was inspired by a priest speaking about Magnificat, a Ministry to Catholic Women. The Holy Spirit touched the hearts of Pat Rensing, Anita Williams, Billie Walter and Barbara Clark and made the decision to launch Magnificat in the Orange Diocese. Fr. Eamon O’Gorman was its first Spiritual Advisor. Bishop McFarland approved Magnificat for the Orange Diocese and Our Lady Queen of Peace Chapter was born!
The first OC Magnificat Prayer breakfast took place at the Holy Family Cathedral Parish Hall in Orange, CA. in February 1992. The event was a potluck style of prayer breakfast. The members of Magnificat continued to grow in numbers, hence, a bigger space was required to accommodate more.
We are proud to be celebrating 30 years of OC Magnificat! Our Lady’s mantle has protected and guided our Chapter, and we sing along with her, “The Almighty has done great thing for us, and Holy is His name!”
Last Updated on March 13, 2025.